Donate to the Rise Thrift Store to support our continued mission.
When you donate your used items to Rise Thrift Store, you’re allowing your pre-loved items to find a new loving home. Donations help children and families get everyday things they need.
There’s never a dull moment – from creating displays, to organizing clothing racks, to sorting donations, we’d love your help. Stop in for a few hours or spend the day. There are lots of opportunities to fit your skills and schedule.
There’s never a dull moment – from creating displays, to organizing clothing racks, to sorting donations, we’d love your help. Stop in for a few hours or spend the day. There are lots of opportunities to fit your skills and schedule.
Every dollar spent at Rise Thrift Store is reinvested back into our community.
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Explore our treasure trove of curated thrift store fashion! Join us on Instagram for stylish inspiration, sustainable shopping tips, and incredible finds from Rise Thrift!